Gianna Vallefuoco


Speaking Engagements & Topics

When we strip away the titles, labels, and beliefs we carry, we can see what truly unites all humans. The common human experience involves having thoughts, emotions, and challenges which occur inside our own heads. I speak from the heart, and to the piece of humanity in each of us. My Mindful Leadership events include concepts for practicing self-compassion, finding resilience, modeling vulnerability, navigating failures, team-building, stress management, and finding authenticity. I tie in neuroscience, psychology and mindfulness principles to demystify the M words; mindfulness and meditation. Leading involves modeling for others. Learning how to lead oneself through challenges is the first step to leading others effectively and compassionately.
When speaking to audiences about creative mindset, I share what motivates us to create anything in our lives, and why we each possess a basic need to be creative; whether it’s a piece of art, an experience, a new or improved relationship, an unconventional idea, or any endeavor that makes you feel alive. The chemical reward system that makes creating feel so satisfying is based more on the joy of working toward a goal than on the end game or win. Setting goals and then working toward them gives us a sense of purpose and forward momentum. Feeling purposeful and intentional provides a chemical reward system that can sustain us, and allow us to move beyond obstacles like boredom, hopelessness, pointlessness, and fear. Often we feel flawed or defective when we lack motivation, but this is not a flaw. This is a universal experience of being human.
A simple way to explain motivation from the perspective of neurobiology, is that we can have some agency in navigating our feelings when we understand the brain chemicals involved in emotions. Dopamine is released as we move toward a goal. Oxytocin is involved when we feel connected to community. Serotonin is associated with the experience of feeling gratitude and satisfaction in our lives. Knowing how our nervous system functions can help us create an internal environment to optimize the release of these desired brain chemicals. Creating makes us “feel good” and can sustain or revive our motivation in moments when we may feel a reflex to give up and quit. When depleted, dopamine is that molecule that drives us forward and makes us seek more. Learning what resets our cut off point to release dopamine is the basis of motivation! Understanding your own brain can enable you to harness your creative calling and your own passion projects in life.
Gianna Vallefuoco helps people to gain mindfulness to find greater success.


Gianna Vallefuoco

Gianna carries years of experience in compassionate leadership in the construction industry and through mindfulness-based coursework with SIYLI, Beyond Om, and Thrive Yoga. She completed a two year practicum as an MMTCP certified mindfulness instructor through UC Berkeley’s Awareness Training Institute and Greater Good Science Center with Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield. Recognizing the deep connection between mindfulness and neuroscience, she continued her studies in Interpersonal Neurobiology with Dr Dan Siegel. She incorporates the “Mindsight Approach To Wellbeing,” to bring a multi-faceted approach to her teaching. Gianna works regularly with the police force and construction industry, focusing on compassion, crisis intervention training, and self care.


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